Empowering dreams, Igniting Transformation around the globe.

We believe in the transformative power of Education. Our aim is to create impact by providing equal opportunities to learn, grow and inspire.


We Provide Opportunities

1300 students have benefitted from our scholarship programs and with our current project 2500 university student benefitted on daily bases


We Educate Educators

350 teachers have benefitted from our training programs


We Run Initiatives

14 successful projects have been implemented

News & Features

DOVE Foundation sets up libraries across Pakistan to foster the love of learning and education.
DOVE Foundation is igniting a wave of change by providing training and support to these inspiring women as they embark on their entrepreneurial journey.
Interview training in progress - DOVE Foundation is dedicated to equipping young minds with the skills to excel in their professional journeys

Let’s drive change

DOVE Foundation believes in equity of educational opportunities for every person regardless of background, caste, creed and color. We believe that education is the only tool that can bring massive progress. Exposing millions of young boys and girls to this life-transforming process (education) is our mission.

DOVE - Working towards a Promising Tomorrow

For more than a decade, we have inspired change and expanded our projects in various cities. We aim to build a global platform to foster progress and growth. Join us in creating a lasting impact in our world! Together, we can build a better future

English Access Microscholarship Program

Revival of Cholistani Music-A Project with USAID

English Works! Program - National Teachers Training

Administrative Support - Islamabad Regional District Lincoln Corners

Academy of Women Entrepreneurs

English Works! Program

Administrative Support-Islamabad & Lahore Regional Districts Lincoln Corners 2023-24